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Relive all the best bits of last Red Nose Day


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Raymond used to work in a mine, with no time to go to school. Now, thanks to you, he’s getting an education. To help us change more lives, simply raise cash by having fun.

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Video background

Relive all the best bits of last Red Nose Day


media block

Raymond used to work in a mine, with no time to go to school. Now, thanks to you, he’s getting an education. To help us change more lives, simply raise cash by having fun.

See how to join in

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Relive all the best bits of last Red Nose Day


media block

Raymond used to work in a mine, with no time to go to school. Now, thanks to you, he’s getting an education. To help us change more lives, simply raise cash by having fun.

See how to join in

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Video background

Relive all the best bits of last Red Nose Day


media block

Raymond used to work in a mine, with no time to go to school. Now, thanks to you, he’s getting an education. To help us change more lives, simply raise cash by having fun.

See how to join in

Video background

Relive all the best bits of last Red Nose Day


media block

Raymond used to work in a mine, with no time to go to school. Now, thanks to you, he’s getting an education. To help us change more lives, simply raise cash by having fun.

See how to join in

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          <h4>Relive all the best bits of last Red Nose Day</h4>
          <p class="font--yellow"><strong>20:20</strong></p>
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        <p>Raymond used to work in a mine, with no time to go to school. Now, thanks to you, he’s getting an education. To help us change more lives, simply raise cash by having fun.</p>
        <p><a class="btn btn--red" href="#">See how to join in</a></p>
Source: _sr18-styleguide.scss, line 403