Card Block

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Standard Card Block

When no card background colour is selected the card content will have no left and right padding. When a background colour is selected the card content will have padding all around (see cards grid below).


Follow in Dermont's footsteps

If Dermot's hip-swivelling heroics have inspired you, why not do your bit for Red Nose Day and put on your own dance event?

Get your Dancing Kit

Markup: components/card-block/card.twig
<div class="card">
	{{ title_suffix.contextual_links }}
	{# {% if field_cr_card_image['#items'].value %} #}
	<div class="card__image">
		<img src="{{ field_cr_card_image }}" alt="">
	{# {% endif %} #}
	<div class="card__content-wrapper">
		<div class="card__content">
			{{ field_cr_card_body }}
Source: _cr17-styleguide.scss, line 126